14 Results
brooks and dunn news ticker Icon
brooks and dunn news on your desktop - know when brooks and dunn plans next con
Bible Search Icon
Search the NIV version of the Holy Bible for scripture.
A to Z Project Billing Icon
A to Z Project Billing tracks your Time and Expenses for Projects / Jobs
Barium: Visual Xsl Transformer Icon
Barium: Visual Xsl Transformer
Magnesium: RSS Ticker Icon
Magnesium: RSS Ticker provides a rich desktop ticker.
Beryllium: RSS 2.0 Reader Object Model Icon
Beryllium: RSS 2.0 Reader Object Model
Titanium: Atom 1.0 Reader Object Model Icon
Titanium: Atom 1.0 Reader Object Model
MaxWiki Icon
MaxWiki is a cross between a content management system and a wiki.
Read/write object for pkg-config files Icon
Here is a convenient way to create, parse, alter, and write .pc files.
Using the logging module Icon
This amazingly powerful module is a mystery to novices.