Complex Boolean Regular Expression Class Icon
Need to look for the occurence of words in a string or group of words
Python replacement for java.util.Properties Icon
Quick and easy way to process Java properties files using pure Python
Backup your files Icon
Makes backup versions of files
Python robocopier Icon
Python robocopier - Advanced Directory Synchronization module (Python)
Simple File Splitter/Combiner module Icon
This module can be used to split any file, text or binary to equal sized chunks.
'Zip walker' - Zip file tree generator Icon
A generator which provides a quick way to 'walk' a zip file archive.
A basic time profiler Icon
This recipe provides a very simple time profiling module
Timeit module wrapper Icon
A simple, easy to use wrapper function for doing quick tests.
Amaze Icon
This is a simple maze generator & solver written in Python
Image extractor Icon
Extract images (jpeg/gif) from screensaver files, webshots collection files.
Registry Wrapper Icon
This recipe provides "Registry", a Windows registry wrapper class.
Drawing rubberbands over a canvas Icon
Implement rubberbanding code for canvas objects in a wxPython application.
Check your Windows sound system Icon
Find out if the sound hardware on your windows PC is working properly.