11-20 of 51 Results
PHP 5 MySQLi Layer Icon
This is a simple MySQL database access wrapper that uses the MySQLi extension.
Login and Logout with PHP and mySQL Icon
When the user logs off the password in the user-db is moved to a temproary field
format date to mysql datetime Icon
Convert the current date and time to MySQL datetime format using PHP's date.
RISE PHP for MySQL Code Generator Icon
The RISE PHP for MySQL code generator renders PHP code for database access
DBForms from MS Access to PHP MySQL Icon
Convert your Microsoft Access forms to php+mysql driven WEB-pages using AJAX.
AccessForms2Web (PHP and MySQL Editon) Icon
Convert your Microsoft Access forms to php+mysql driven WEB-pages using AJAX.
DBConvert FormWizard for MySQL Icon
Efficient PHP Web Form Creator DBConvert FormWizard for MySQL Database
Ajax and PHP Chat Icon
This is simple but excellent chatting application developed in PHP and MySql
Blog Script for PHP Icon
Easy to install blogging system for PHP and MySQL. Sinlge and multy-user modes.
Simple Text-File Login script Icon
A simple authentication script written in PHP to be used in small websites.