21-30 of 33 Results
Advanced Data Generator Icon
Generate data into your database, SQL scripts, XML, YAML or JSON files.
Random Alphanumeric String Generator Icon
This is a script for ruby.
Random BigInt Generator Icon
This Perl script generates fully random numbers of any length over 16 digits
ARFF to SQL converter Icon
Python script to import ARFF data files into any database.
Dependency generator for makefiles Icon
This script scans .c files for "#include" statements and creates a list.
PHP Generator for MySQL Icon
A Windows GUI utility for MySQL PHP programming.
PostgreSQL PHP Generator Professional Icon
A Windows GUI utility for PostgreSQL PHP programming.
MaxDB PHP Generator Icon
A Windows GUI utility for MaxDB PHP programming.
Check duplicate records in a table Icon
This SQL script checks duplicate records for you
Forms Expert Icon
Easy to use form processing script generator. No programming is required.