25 Results
Authentication Icon
Convert any login and password to Base64
WEBrick servlet with HTTP authentication Icon
HTTP authentication for a directory listing.
PHP/MySQL User Authentication Icon
MySQL and PHP user authentication system
simplest useful HTTPS with basic proxy authentication Icon
This is just about the most simple snippet of how to do proxy authentication
Simplest HTTPS with basic proxy authentication Icon
Simple snippet of how to do proxy authentication with SSL using python
SSL Client Authentication over HTTPS Icon
Application that demonstrates SSL client authentication over HTTPS.
HTTP basic authentication Icon
A script demonstrating how to manually do basic authentication over http.
Dynamic Authentication Filter Icon
DAF is a complete package to handle Web-user authentication on an NT/IIS server.
Activity & Authentication Analyzer Icon
Protect yourself from unwanted data becomes permanently hidden in your PC.
Activity and Authentication Analyzer Icon
The information,which disclosure can cause the loss, may be valued as classified