199 Results
Calculate number of work days between 2 dates Icon
Calculate number of work days between 2 dates
Calculate the distance matrix Icon
Calculate a distance matrix out of a list of n-dimensional points using scipy.
Expression Encoder Screen Capture Codec Icon
Microsoft Expression Encoder Screen Capture Codec.
Calculate Daylight Saving Time Icon
This is a Perl subroutine that will calculate Daylight Saving Time
Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010 Data Analysis Expression Icon
Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010 Data Analysis Expression
Regex (regular expression) to match a URL Icon
This regular expression matches a URL.
.NET Regular Expression Designer Icon
Learn, develop, and test regular expressions in .NET.
Accordion Menu Expression Web Addin Icon
Professional Accordion CSS Menu Maker with intuitive GUI and live preview
Accordion Menu Advancer for Expression Web and Front Page Icon
Advanced Accordion CSS Menu Maker with intuitive GUI and live preview.
SilverX Expression Icon
Import your Flash(SWF) files into your Silverlight.