266 Results
Sample Resumes Icon
Sample resumes. Use our free reader. Find a sample resume or a resume template.
Sample Prog Icon
A great sample program that demonstrates PAD.
Sample Manager Icon
Sample Manager is the quintessential batch audio file processor for Mac OS X.
Calculate number of work days between 2 dates Icon
Calculate number of work days between 2 dates
Calculate the distance matrix Icon
Calculate a distance matrix out of a list of n-dimensional points using scipy.
Sample Rate and BPM Calculator Icon
This program is lets you calculate the BPM or sample rate.
Sample XHTML Form Icon
This is a sample XHTML form with fieldset, legend, and labels in place.
Sample Autobiography Worksheets Icon
A good sample autobiography can take several forms.
Sample COM Object to Access Data Icon
HostName.exe, a sample COM object to access data from the ILS server.
Calculate Daylight Saving Time Icon
This is a Perl subroutine that will calculate Daylight Saving Time