A recursive function to get permutation of a list Icon
A recursive function to get permutation of a list script allows you to make
Create an ODBC data source Icon
Create an ODBC data source script creates the required ODBC data sources.
Changing file attributes on windows Icon
Offers SetFileAttributes whiles allows you to make changes to a file in windows
Large File Sizes on 32 bit Windows Icon
Large File Sizes on 32 bit Windows script uses the FindFiles win32call.
A fast prime number list generator Icon
This is a fast prime number list generator using sieve algorithm.
Accessing MS exchange with webdav Icon
Accessing MS exchange with webdav script allows you to query an MS exchange.
Converting windows 64 bit time Icon
Converting windows 64 bit time script is a function that returns the time
Accepting Four Points in 2-space Icon
Photographic document images are often rotated, if only slightly.
Using MSHTML to Parse HTML Icon
MSHTML is the COM component used by Internet Explorer to parse HTML pages
Extract text from XML document Icon
Alternative way of extracting text from a WF XML source.
Non-recursive traversal of a DOM tree Icon
A methode to traverse a tree (or the rest of a tree starting from a node
Auto-detect XML encoding Icon
Describes the outlines of an algorithm for detecting the Unicode encoding.
Webcounter Icon
This CGI will generate a simple text 'hit counter' for several sites
HTML Scraper Icon
Will 'read' through an HTML file and call functions on data and tags etc
Check xml well-formedness Icon
Check whether one or more XML documents are well-formed.
HTTP basic authentication Icon
A script demonstrating how to manually do basic authentication over http.
CGI-shell Icon
Run an arbitrary string on the server as a shell command
Recursively look up groups in Active Directory Icon
Script to enumerate the members of groups in the domain.
Random Password Generation Icon
This is a code snippet to generate an 8 character alphanumeric password.
kexec the newest linux kernel Icon
Kexec is a mechanism to use linux itself to load a new kernel.
Extract text from XML document script Icon
To extract the text from an XML document.
Copy gmail.com contacts onto your mobile phone Icon
Uses the csv module to convert gmail.com contacts data to the "raw" gnokii.
Numerical inversion of Laplace transforms Icon
An algorithm to numerically invert functions in the Laplace field is presented.
GoogleCacheServer Icon
This is a simple implementation of a proxy server that fetches web pages.
Change image properties Icon
Change image properties code allows you to remove the image border.
Hamming distance Icon
Was doing some work with strings and threw this together.
SQLAlchemy Icon
SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
Directory Size Lister for Windows Icon
List the summed size of a directory (or set of directories) without the GUI.
Permutation and Combination Enumerator Icon
Inflate a huge list, thus it need a lot of memory
Win32 service administration Icon
Win32serviceutil module to simplify starting and stopping services.
IPv6 Multicast Icon
IPv6 can be tricky in many ways, and multicast makes it even more fun.
Random Phonetic Name Generator Icon
Random name generator. Read the sparse comments included.
Stripchart Plotter Icon
OpenGL Stripchart plotter for a user defined number of channels.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Icon
A class that carries out Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
Fractal tree Icon
This simple program can be used to compute and display a 2D fractal tree.
web2ldap Icon
A generic LDAPv3 client which does not make any assumptions
icmplib Icon
icmplib: library for creating and reading ICMP packets (Python)
'Safe' Python module reload Icon
This is a script for python.
OK cancel dialog Icon
This is a script for python.
ZChat Icon
Provide an example of how the z_service module can be used.